ScanPower helps you accelerate inbound shipments and maximize profits

Easy-to-use software that adapts to changing Amazon requirements and scales with your business

FBA inventory management

FBA inventory management

Simplified inventory management that scales

Bypass Seller Central

Bypass Seller Central

A simpler way to create shipments than Seller Central

Listing and Packing Reports

Listing and Packing Reports

Optimize productivity and reconcile client billing

Touchscreen enabled

Touchscreen enabled

So you can focus on prepping and packing inventory

Multiple workflows

Multiple workflows

So you can quickly train your employees and optimize your warehouse layout

It’s So Simple

It’s like a baby using an iPhone!

Edward F.

Choose your plan

Amazon Seller

Seller businesses that ship from a single location.


Amazon Seller
is for you if:

  • You purchase Wholesale, RA, or OA inventory
  • You want an easier way to send shipments to FBA
  • You want live Amazon pricing updates at your fingertips

Built with Boxt Technology

Create shipments outside of Seller Central

Print box labels as you go
(plus FNSKU and pallet labels)

Listing, labeling, shipping, and packing

Easy-to-read FBA buying information

COGS tracking and historical inventory valuation

Seller Snap Integration (New)

Basic Amazon prep guidance

Touchscreen enabled

Retail and online sourcing and listing

Simple P&L inventory reporting

1 Ship from location

Unlimited sub-users

Enterprise Pro

Large sellers with one or more locations handling large quantities of restock inventory.


Enterprise Pro
is for you if:

  • You ship from multiple locations
  • You want an easier way to send shipments to FBA
  • You want a tool that will scale with your business

Built with Boxt Technology

Create shipments outside of Seller Central

Print box labels as you go
(plus FNSKU and pallet labels)

Listing, labeling, shipping, and packing

Multi-user, multi-workstation support

Instructions for Prep

Touchscreen enabled

Real-time updates of packing and listing progress

Send box contents directly to Amazon

Bundle and multipack support

Listing and Packing reports

Inventory valuation

Supplier profitability reporting

Flexible workflows

API for software integrations

3PL Enterprise

3PLs who prep and pack for multiple clients.


+$10 per client per month*

3PL Enterprise
is for you if:

  • You want to seamlessly switch between clients and jobs
  • You want to train your staff more efficiently
  • You need multiple users with different roles and permissions

Built with Boxt Technology

Create shipments outside of Seller Central

Print box labels as you go
(plus FNSKU and pallet labels)

Listing, labeling, shipping, and packing

Multi-user, multi-workstation support

Roles and permissions settings for each team member

Bundle and multipack support

Send box contents directly to Amazon

Prep type matrix with costs (coming soon)

Touchscreen enabled

Custom labels for Sold as Set and Combined Box and FNSKU/item label

Simple pack templates

Easy management of multiple accounts

Client listing and packing reports

Flexible workflows

API for software integrations

*for up to 50 clients. Contact us for a customized quote

Need a custom solution? Contact us for custom quotes